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Connections Overview



Visual Arts expands on previous courses through more in-depth exploration of creating, presenting, and responding to art, while connecting the world of art to other areas of learning and personal endeavors. All Visual Arts quarter classes complete projects using observational drawing, color theory and sculpture. Sixth grade students create papier mâché sculptures, seventh graders do ceramics, and eighth grade students build a sculpture using cardboard. Students who apply for Intro to Art in 8th grade receive the high school curriculum and earn a .5 credit. Completing this prerequisite allows them to enter directly into the Visual Arts Pathway.



Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) is a College Readiness System that transforms leadership, instruction, and culture to focus on the academic and social skills needed in higher education and beyond. Schools implementing AVID operate with a guiding principle: hold students to the highest standards, provide academic and social support, and they will rise to the challenge. The AVID system extends from elementary to post-secondary and is founded on research-based curriculum and strategies to develop critical thinking, literacy, and math skills across all content areas

At the middle and high school levels, AVID builds a college-going culture by bringing best practices and methodologies to middle and high school students. The goal is to close the achievement gap by preparing students for, and supporting them in, the toughest courses schools offer. That goal starts with the AVID elective class and grows school wide. The AVID elective class provides explicit instruction in writing, inquiry, collaboration, organization, and reading (WICOR) strategies so that students have the skills necessary to meet the expectations of rigorous academic courses.  College and career exploration become a strong focus including organized college campus visits and completion of college applications. AVID supports students in rigorous courses by building a community of peer support, providing academic help from tutors, and participating in motivational activities to help students achieve their dreams. At the high school level, the AVID elective class continues to grow and support student success in rigorous courses extending to honors and Advanced Placement (AP). Middle and high school students not in the AVID elective class are supported by AVID educators who integrate strategies and best practices into content area classes. 



The AVTF program at Haynes Bridge Middle School immerses students in the world of movie-making and broadcasting.

6th Grade: Students learn foundational skills in filmmaking and broadcasting.

7th Grade: Students build on these skills, gaining hands-on experience with video cameras, video editing, and creating their own projects.

8th Grade: Students advance to writing movie and news scripts, producing their own videos, and honing their storytelling abilities.

Students accepted into AVTF I follow a high school-level curriculum, earning 0.5 high school credit while competing in regional, state, and national contests. This program equips students with essential skills and experience to excel in advanced AVTF courses in high school.



The purpose of the Haynes Bridge Middle School Band program is to:

  • Instill a sense of appreciation for music in all students
  • Build performance skills on woodwind, brass, and percussion instruments
  • Prepare the students for success in the Centennial High School Band program
  • Provide a safe space for students to overcome performance anxiety and build self-confidence 
  • Develop self-discipline, time management, and leadership skills applicable in all areas of life outside of music
  • Provide a space that encourages the benefits of delayed gratification through the development of good practice habits

In the Haynes Bridge Middle School Band Program, each and every student (and band directors) should value embracing the characteristics of the IDEAL Band Kid.

The IDEAL Band Kid values exuding Excellence Always through



              Evidence of Effort



Each band student (and band director) is held accountable for maintaining these characteristics as we pursue musical excellence together. The overall goal of the HBMS Band is developing student character and a life-long appreciation of music that will extend far beyond a student’s middle school years.



Click on the link below for Chorus information.

Chorus Website

Computer Science


Foundations of Computer Programming

Course Description: Computers are everywhere. There is almost no profession that doesn’t require interacting with some level of information technology. In this class, students will learn how computers work and the fundamentals of how to program them. This course is one of three Middle School information technology classes that can prepare students for a more in-depth study of information technology in High School or College.

Health/ PE


At Haynes Bridge we strive to create a developmentally appropriate and comprehensive experience in health and physical education to meet the diverse needs of all students.

A quality health and physical education program will foster the development of motor skills, physical fitness, emotional strength, maturity, values, healthful decision-making and the pursuit of lifelong health and fitness.

Participation in daily health and physical education is an integral and inseparable part of the total K-12 educational experience.

PE units offered during the year are volleyball, soccer, football, softball, racquet sports, floor hockey, basketball, and daily physical fitness.

Our Goals

The goals of the Fulton County K-12 health and physical education program are to:

  • Provide a developmentally appropriate and comprehensive experience through exposure to a wide variety of activities and quality instruction at all levels.
  • Recognize that participation in health and physical education can lead to an understanding and appreciation of diversity.
  • Provide for the development of effective and efficient fundamental motor skills.
  • Promote the acquisition of skills and beliefs needed to pursue a lifetime of involvement in physical activity and healthful decision-making.
  • Promote an understanding of the relationship between physical activity and life-long health, and assume responsibility for personal health.
  • Provide an environment which is safe and conducive to self-expression, enjoyment and creativity.
  • Promote the relationship between health and physical education, school, community and life through an interdisciplinary approach to instruction where appropriate.





In this course students will gain skills in page design, copywriting, editing, and photography while producing a creative, innovative yearbook which records school memories and events. Participants gain useful, real-world skills in time management, marketing, teamwork, and design principles.