School Profile
HBMS Eagles
Haynes Bridge Middle School has a history that dates back to 1894. This was the year that Richard Luther Haynes, Jr. passed away. Mr. Haynes had owned a 240 acre plantation. At the time of his death, the land was divided and sold. The 30-acres that Haynes Bridge MS sits on today was a part of Mr. Haynes’ original land.
In 1983, Haynes Bridge MS was opened for students in grades six through eight. The sixth and seventh grade students came from Dolvin ES, Alpharetta ES, Kimball Bridge ES, and Northwestern ES. The eighth grade students came from Milton HS.
Currently, Haynes Bridge Middle School is part of a cluster of schools that work together to support students in grades K-12. Students from Mimosa ES, Hillside ES, Barnwell ES, and Northwood ES attend Haynes Bridge MS and our students attend Centennial HS after they pass on from their 8th grade year.
Since 1983, Haynes Bridge Middle School has been under the leadership of 5 principals: Larry Land, Gayle Giles, Debbie Reeves, Dru Tomlin, and Lauren Malekebu. The staff has ranged 62 to over 110. Student enrollment fluctuated between 600 and 1300 students. The school has been expanded through two additions that were built in 1989 and 2007. Currently, the school has ~130,000 square feet to support student learning and there is a football field, track, and tennis courts on property.
When you walk the campus of Haynes Bridge MS, you will find a chimney near the HBMS garden area. This chimney dates back to the late 1700’s and belonged to the John and Abi Haynes plantation. In 1998, a Haynes Bridge MS teacher, Christie Pratt, received a $10,000 grant that was used to rescue this Pre-Civil War chimney from the corner of GA 400 and Haynes Bridge Road. In March of 2000, the restoration and relocation of the chimney was completed and a dedication ceremony took place at Haynes Bridge MS.
Throughout the history of Haynes Bridge MS, the one thing that has never changed is the focus on providing every student with opportunities for social, emotional, creative, physical, and intellectual growth and a staff and community dedicated to working together for the attainment of common goals. We believe in excellence…always!
School General Info
Learning Zone:
Zone 5
Feeder Schools:
Elementary Schools
Barnwell Elementary School
Mimosa Elementary School
Northwood Elementary School
Hillside Elementary School
High School
Centennial High School
School Board Members
Dr. Michelle Moranice (District 7)
Kristin McCabe (District 5)
Sara Gillespie (District 1)
School Data
Grade Levels
6th - 8th
Blue and Red
Current Enrollment
World Languages
Dual Language Immersion Program
Contact Information
10665 Haynes Bridge Rd
Alpharetta Ga 30022
Contact Information
Front Office: 470-254-7030
Cafeteria: 470- 254- 6993
Fax: 470-254-2842
School Hours
Instructional Hours:
8:55 am - 4:05 pm
Breakfast Served:
8:25 am - 8:50 am
Unique Offerings
Computer Science
Audio Video Film and Technology 1 (High School Credit)
Introduction to Visual Arts (High School Credit)
Orchestra (High School Credit)
Band (High School Credit)
Chorus (High School Credit)